As the digital era unfolds, the healthcare industry is experiencing an unprecedented transformation. The Internet of Things (IoT), with its web of interconnected devices and systems, is spearheading this change. Insider Intelligence Magazine underscores this evolution, predicting the market’s expansion to $187.60 billion by 2028. IoT’s integration into healthcare, known as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), signals a paradigm shift from traditional practices to a new, efficiency-driven approach using smart building technologies.
The integration of IoT within healthcare ecosystems is swiftly transitioning from a luxury to a necessity. Among its multifaceted applications, smart occupancy sensors stand out as a potent tool for improving facility management and patient care. IoT devices, including CO2 monitors and air quality sensors, help healthcare facilities:
Occupancy monitoring systems, when integrated into the broader IoMT framework, offer several transformative benefits for healthcare facilities:
As healthcare facilities embrace IoT, DIREK’s smart occupancy monitoring systems provide a precision-oriented solution tailored to the unique demands of the healthcare environment:
DIREK’s smart occupancy monitoring solutions, as part of a comprehensive IoMT strategy, enable healthcare providers to forge a path to enhanced operational efficiency, improved patient experiences, and a commitment to the highest standards of care.
Insider Intelligence, (2023). “IoT Healthcare in 2023: Companies, medical devices, and use cases”.